The Comité Sécurité Alimentaire Memphrémagog (CéSAM) is a round-table that was set up in 2013 to support organizations focused on food security, to work together and ensure that all citizens of the RCM have access to healthy food.
A growing population of around 50,500 people living in 17 municipalities across a vast 1,300 km² territory, with wide-ranging material and social disadvantages.
Resource distribution, accessibility, stakeholder and citizen mobilization, culinary education, and communication.
According to the CIUSSS de la Capitale Nord (2022), food insecurity can lead people to resort to all kinds of strategies that may ultimately affect their dignity, mental health, interpersonal relationships, and physical health.
CéSAM’s main objective is to ensure effective and efficient food aid, to meet the challenges tied to food insecurity.