About CéSAM

The Comité Sécurité Alimentaire Memphrémagog (CéSAM) is a round-table that was set up in 2013 to support organizations focused on food security, to work together and ensure that all RCM citizens have access to healthy food.

The committee thus serves as a support group for projects, brainstorming efforts, and the pooling of resources from various organizations that participate on a free and voluntary basis. It also maintains an up-to-date picture of the situation and implements joint actions.

Supported by the CIUSSS de l’Estrie - CHUS, members meet a few times a year to discuss issues, share projects and create tools to further the committee’s mission.


To guarantee access to healthy food for all citizens of the RCM, while considering:

Economic constraints

Individual dignity

Physical and geographical constraints

The importance of basic knowledge (nutritional value of foods and how to prepare them)

Promoting a food production and distribution model that considers social and environmental impacts.


Raise awareness around food safety and promote CéSAM’s services

  • Identify the needs of different communities
  • Identify and promote the services and needs of food safety organizations
  • Organize awareness-raising and promotional activities
  • Create and distribute common awareness-building tools

Support the deployment of CéSAM member services.

  • Develop drop-off points or satellite offices
  • Develop partnerships with key local governing bodies, particularly outside Magog
  • Find new outlets for food surpluses
  • Find new outlets or markets for processed products

Support the development of collective food security projects in response to the specific needs of different localities.


To put in place mechanisms that empower communities as well as individuals, so that they may be autonomous in their method of accessing food, regardless of their financial means, culture, eating habits, means of transportation, etc.

We want to create a food system in which production, processing, and distribution are local.

We aspire to create a concerted effort in which partners help to lift each other up, but also to ensure that the population is receiving the services it needs.

We aspire to see concrete, innovative projects grow between members.

CéSAM’s main objective is to ensure effective and efficient food aid, to meet the challenges tied to food insecurity.

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